Trademark registration
Trademark registration helps you protect your brand name in India. Trademark registration will help you to protect your brand name, your brand logo and your tag line. Trademark registration is a completely online process and application can be completed in 2 working days. The trademark is usually registered in 1 year, if the TM authorities do not raise any objection
Trademark registration fees |
What is included in the Package |
Trademark registration documents required |
The documents required for the trademark registration are:
Trademark registration online process |
The online process to register a trademark is :
Trademark renewal / validity |
Trademark registration portal |
Trademark search |
What is the government fees to register a Trademark?
- Prima-facie evidence of ownership of the trademark.
- Important asset for your business or company and contributes to the goodwill generated.
- Gives you stronger enforceable rights to prevent others from using the trademark in connection with the goods or services for which it is registered.
- Trademarks can be sold, licensed or assigned.
- Registration usually covers the whole of India.
What are the advantages of obtaining trademark registration?
There are 2 types of trademark application i.e Device mark and word mark
What is difference between device mark and word mark?
- Word mark – Word mark is where the trademark owner has right over the word. This word can be represented in any font, colour or format.
- Device Mark – Device mark is where the trademark owner has a right over the design, logo etc. It just protects the design and logo.
The logo is not covered in this type
Its recommended that you always apply for both as it protects your brand and your name as well.
Trademark to be registered
Class of trademark
The date when the trademark was first used
Power of attorney